Monday, October 25, 2010

More Reading

More reading!  That's what the students say when anything is mentioned about reading in content areas.  Our school is focusing on the Reading content standard and we have started having the students keep reading logs.  they must read the equivalent of  2 books per month.  This is not really a lot considering the reading they do in each of their subjects, but all they think is MORE READING!  My honors chemistry students raised cane about having to read, they have spent so much time on the kind of reading discussed in this chapter that most of them don't even consider picking up a book for fun.  An then we come along trying to encourage them to read for entertainment,but are still putting a grade on it.  This is an area that I think could truly use some differentiation.  All this breaking text apart ruins it for good reader, so why not try a different approach for them while still providing the help for the students who need it.  This  sort of ties into the soap box I have been on for the last week.  We are creating or have created a culture of young people who don't know how to question which leads to not being able to think.  Science should be so easy to teach through inquiry, but all of my students are looking for the right answer to get the grade.  Very few care what the answer is for any other reason, but it is because I am telling them what questions to ask.  I think this is the same for reading the classic novels and poems.  I remember teachers telling me what the author meant,, not asking what I got from the text.  If we want students to be more engaged in what they are reading or what we are teaching in science we need to start letting them ask more questions.


  1. Hello Lorie that is so true about students just wanting to get the grade they could care less about what they are reading. The current testing system has really contributed to this thought process. all of these students are trained to glaze over the material for the tests they take, spit that info back out, begin again. Thsi attitude is crossing over all content areas in their way of thinking. I will ask a painting student if they like their painting or a ceramics student if they feel like they are finished with their work and they will say 'Will this get me an A?' if I say well what do you think they will just beg me to tell them what to do. They just have a 'just tell me what you want lady, attitude', I am not sure it is their fault we have trained them to act like this, It is very depressing. But for all of those moments I try to hang on to the moments when at least some of the students are inspired to create because they are inspired, rare but awesome feeling!

  2. But these questions we want them to are we going to assess them? (I'm being tongue in cheek:) Again, drill and kill doesn't work. We have to encourage (yes) more reading...but they fight us. If it were more fun (ie. not boring as all get out) maybe they would enjoy the reading instead of complaining about it. We put grades on something that should be a fun activity. I enjoy reading and want my kids to as well...however, they've got to get a grade. I agree with you completely. There should be differentiation.
